

When you have made the decision to rent 你的家 we believe you are making a great long term decision! 首页s are investments and getting a good return on your investment is important.  With that being said,  there are steps you need to take to optimize 你的家!  通过优化你的家, you increase the likelihood of it being quickly leased meaning less time on the market.  You also set the tone for how the future tenants will take care of 你的家.   根据我的经验,你的家保养得越好, the better the future tenants are more likely to take good care of the home. You are setting a precedence and people like to be led and will likely emulate the same behavior before.  一个例子, 如果你想租一个院子没有修剪整齐的房子, 房客们更有可能对修剪院子的事不紧不慢.  为新租户设定期望要容易得多, 当他们看到房主已经模仿了伟大的样子.

Many people have a mortgage they are still paying on and the quicker the home gets rented, 你越快乐! So do not overlook the following steps when you are getting 你的家 rent ready. I will go over some commonsense steps that oddly enough many people overlook but really make a difference on the speediness of getting homes rented.  所有ow 你的家 to be a reflection of you by getting it the most attractive possible.  即使是十大正规赌博平台大全较低的房屋,也应该得到最好的照顾.


  1. 记住,租客有很多选择,第一印象决定一切. Curb appeal is a real thing not only when purchasing a home but also in renting the home.  请确保您不会忽略以下内容.
    1. 花坛——清理干净,用新鲜的护根物让花坛看起来更干净
    2. 适当地修剪院子.  拥有清新的外表会让家里看起来更整洁.
    3. 在院子的边缘——你会惊讶地发现你的院子看起来有多好
    4. 修剪灌木
    5. If the paint is dull, putting a fresh coat of paint can really spruce up 你的家!
  2. 在你的家里!
    1. 清洁是必要的,而且有很长的路要走! Many times people are so anxious to move on to their next adventure-they often forget the significance of a clean home
    2. If the carpets are salvageable, having them professionally cleaned will help with stains and soiling.  如果地毯有气味, replacing the carpet and the pad will make any potential renter more satisfied with their decision to rent.
    3. 更换灯泡, 过滤器, blinds that are damaged and any other small repairs makes the overall appearance much better as well as sets the tone for the tenant of your expectations for them in the upkeep of 你的家.
    4. Touch up paint and patching nail holes in your walls will give 你的家 a more pleasant appearance.
    5. Professional home cleaning will also help you not overlook areas you have become accustomed to.  For instance, many people overlook appliances such as ovens, microwave ovens, and refrigerators.
  3. Put a professional sign in your yard with a website for pictures and a phone number that people driving by can call with questions and set up a time to show.  Or, 如果你不想因为当房东而有压力的话, 咨询PMI绿色国度, Shawn Klahr for a free rental analysis so that 你的家/investment brings you the maximum amount of money. He will also advise you on repairs and pointers on bullets number 1 and number 2.  如果你要离开这个州或者没有时间, PMI has vendors in place that we can assemble in order to get 你的家 in the best shape possible.  We use these vendors for many of our properties so we may be able to get the savings and pass it on to you! PMI绿色国家 is a professional management company that specializes in managing probably one of your largest assets, 你的家.  PMI will ensure you get the right tenant placed by extensive 回来ground checks.  PMI会带你去看房子,这样你就不用去了.  PMI also advertises to many sites in order to make sure 你的家 is visible to as many potential clients as possible. PMI offers credit reporting to the tenant to inspire them to pay their rent on time.  This system offered to tenants follows them just like credit reporting on a home.   PMI will make sure all of the legal documents are in place so that you are covered for any legal issues that may arise.  PMI还要求我们所有的租户购买一个$100,000 liability insurance that gives you extra peace of mind that your property is covered in case of damage by the tenant. PMI has a long history of managing rental properties and prides itself on customer service excellence.  The Tulsa management team is skilled in making sure the transition is smooth and your stress is less! 你可以拥有你的投资, make money every single month on the investment and let us deal with any of your headaches that might pop up. 至于你的付款, we offer a portal for both the owner and the tenant so that the on time payments are forwarded to you as soon as possible. There are reasons that many people choose keeping their property and leasing it out instead of selling.  在决策树中, choosing the right property management company will help you continue to be happy about your decision as you collect residual money every single month. Call Shawn Klahr today at PMI绿色国家 is you have a home in the Tulsa metro and surrounding areas that you are ready to lease!